This event is endorsed
and organized by

5th EAI International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications

November 24–25, 2016 | Thu Dau Mot, Vietnam


Proceedings published:




All ICCASA 2016 participants are invited by TDMU to take campus and city Tour and  Welcome Party at Nhu Y Restaurant at 18:00 in Wednesday evening, 23 November 2016.

1:30 PM: Gather at Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Address: No 10-12 Dinh Tien Hoang, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City - Google Map we will pick all of you up to the Thu Dau Mot University.

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Thu Dau Mot University campus (Google map ) and City Tour.

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Welcome Party at Nhu Y Restaurant (Address: No 333 Binh Duong Boulevard, Chanh Nghia Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province; Google Map:

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Shuttle bus goes back to Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities.


Nhu Y Restaurant 

Address: No 333 Binh Duong Boulevard, Chanh Nghia Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province; 

- Google Map:

- Website:


  • Final program in full is now available here

Special Tracks:

► Context Awareness in Big Data (CABD 2016) chaired by

- Trieu Minh Nhut Le, Saigon University, Vietnam
- Viet To Hoai, Saigon University, Vietnam
- Huy Nguyen Quoc, Saigon University, Vietnam

► Context-Aware Environmental Applications and Models (CEAM 2016) chaired by

Hiep Xuan Huynh, Cantho University (CTU), Vietnam
- Bernard Pottier, Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), France 

► Context Awareness in Soft Computing and Computer Vision (CASCCV2016) chaired by

- Ashish Khare, University of Allahabad, India

On Wednesday, 23 November 2016 (from 7:00 to 17:00), volunteer students will assist all foreign attendees at Tan Son Nhat Airport in traveling to Thu Dau Mot city

About Thu Dau Mot City

Thu Dau Mot city is located 30 km north of downtown Ho Chi Minh city, on the left bank of Saigon River, uptream from the city. 

For more details, see here


Keynote speech 1: Developing Smart City based on city Characteristics and Urban Issues

Dr. Sang Keon Lee is a Senior Research Fellow and the former Director of the National Infrastructure Research Division at Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS) will give a talk at ICCASA 2016 on an interesting topic of smart city with the title of "Developing Smart City based on city Characteristics and Urban Issues"

Keynote speech 2: Social Networking Ontology Engineering Walkthrough: Practical Approach for Non-Expert User Learning

Dr. Waralak Vongdoiwang Siricharoen at School of Science and Technology, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) in Bangkok, Thailand will give a talk at ICCASA 2016 on an interesting topic of ontology engineering with the title of "Social Networking Ontology Engineering Walkthrough: Practical Approach for Non-Expert User Learning"

5th EAI International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications

The ICCASA 2016 jointly organized by EAI, Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU), and Nguyen Tat Thanh University (NTTU) is a place for highly original ideas about how context-awareness is going to shape networked computing systems of the future. Hence, it focuses on rigorous approaches and cutting-edge solutions which break new ground in dealing with the properties of context-awareness. Its purpose is to make a formal basis more accessible to researchers, scientists, professionals and students as well as developers and practitioners in ICT by providing them with state-of-the-art research results, applications, opportunities and future trends. For this fifth edition, we hope to repeat the success of previous year, when the conference received many papers and the participation of a large number of students, researchers, and professionals from all over the world.

One of hot topics in ICT is currently undergoing rapid advancements and emerging on the spot as one of the priority research areas, whose research activities are booming recently: context-aware systems (CAS), which is primarily inspired by the human autonomic nervous system. CAS is characterized by its self-* facets such as self-organization, self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, self-protection and so on whose contextawareness used to dynamically control computing and networking functions. The overall goal of CAS is to realize nature-inspired autonomic systems, that can manage themselves without direct human interventions. Meeting this grand challenge of CAS requires a rigorous interdisciplinary approach to context-aware systems. To this end, ICCASA 2016 will bring together Vietnamese and international researchers and practitioners working or interested in the intersection of approaches for supporting context-aware systems.


For more information, please see the CFP here


Workshop proposals due: April 1, 2016

Tutorial/Industry track proposal deadline: June 6, 2016

Demo/Poster proposal deadline: June 6, 2016

Full Paper Submission deadline: 25 August, 2016

Notification and Registration opens: 15 September, 2016

Camera-ready deadline: 2 October, 2016


  • The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organization devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT
  • All accepted papers will be published by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library, one of the world's largest scientific libraries
  • Proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: Elsevier (EI), ISI Thomson´s Scientific and Technical Proceedings at Web of Science, Scopus, Crossref, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI´s own EU Digital Library (EUDL)
  • Best papers will be invited to publish in the EAI Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications


Official conference proceedings of ICCASA 2016 will appear in the Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST) series jointly published by ICST and Springer. All papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format. There are two options for the submissions, either a full paper or a short paper. We decided to allow the submission of short papers in order to accommodate the most recent research outcomes.

The submissions should be formatted with single-spaced, single-column pages using on A4 or letter pages in Springer LNICST style format. The maximum number of pages is 10 for full papers. Authors should submit a 6-page single-column manuscript for short papers. The camera-ready version of an accepted full (short) paper cannot exceed 10 (6) pages.

All accepted papers will appear in Springer LNICST proceedings only if at least one of the authors attends to present the paper.

All papers, but particularly those nominated for the Best Paper competition, will be automatically considered for publication in an expanded form in the special issues of ELSEVIER Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Journal (indexed in SCIE), Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) (scie-INDEXED) journal (indexed in SCIE) and EAI endorsed Transactions on Context-Aware Systems and Applications




Please send your CV to  [email protected] 

We usually select reviewers based on a few criteria as follows:
  - Qualification of reviewer (PhD – depending on subject area)
  - Whether they have reviewed before
  - The number of papers they have published in their given area of expertise
  - How well those papers have been cited
  - Recommendations from other researchers/reviewers they know or have worked with

Once we approve your qualifications, you will be counted in the list of reviewers on this website. Review period will start up after the deadline of submission.