Special Tracks
The following special tracks will be held in conjunction with the main conference (default track):
Contextual Recommendation Systems (CtxRecSys 2015) chaired by
Prof. Jason J. Jung, Chung-Ang University, Korea
Dr. Pham Xuan Hau, Quang Binh University, Vietnam -
Computational Aspects of Context in Natural Language Processing (CACNLP 2015) chaired by
Dr. Nguyen Tuan Dang, University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam -
Context Aware Computations in Image Processing and Visualization (CACIPV 2015) chaired byProf. Ashish Khare, University of Allahabad, IndiaDr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam
Keynote speech 1: Autonomic Urban Traffic Controller System - A Cyber-physical Systems Approach
Prof.Vangalur Alagar at Concordia University in Canada will give a talk at ICCASA 2015 on a hot topic of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) with the title of "Autonomic Urban Traffic Controller System - A Cyber-physical Systems Approach"
Short bio:
Vangalur (Vasu) Alagar is a Professor Emeritus at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He has done extensive research in the area of algorithms, formal methods, and software engineering. His current research interests are in the modeling, design, and formal verification of Cyber-physical Systems. He has authored two text books and edited many conference proceedings and journals.
Keynote speech 2: Toward IoT Universe
Prof.Chintan Bhatt at Charotar University of Science And Technology in India will give a talk at ICCASA 2015 on a hot topic of Internet of Things (IoT) with the title of "Toward IoT Universe"
Internet of Things (IoT) is an interconnection of exclusively identifiable embedded computing devices where all devices are made equipped with communication and data capture capabilities so that they can use the ubiquitous internet to transmit or exchange data and other controlling purposes. In short, IoT is a community of smart devices. IoT is expected to bring a huge leap in the field of global interconnectivity of networks. By studying IoT we become more proactive and less reactive. Cisco once stated “IoT is a point in time when more “things or devices” are connected to internet then people”. Here we are going to draw attention on the topics which have attracted the researchers and industrialists such as Remote Excavation, Remote Mining and so on.
Short bio:
Chintan Bhatt is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering department, Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology, CHARUSAT. He is a member of IEEE, EAI, ACM, CSI, AIRCC (Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center) and IAENG (International Association of Engineers). His areas of interest include Data Mining, Web Mining, Networking, Security Mobile Computing, Big Data and Software Engineering. He has more than 4 years of teaching experience and research experience, having good teaching and research interests. He has chaired a track in CSNT 2015. He has been working as Reviewer in Wireless Communications, IEEE (Impact Factor-6.524) and Internet of Things Journal, IEEE and Mobile Networks and Applications, Springer.
Keynote speech 3: Concurrency of Self-* in Autonomic Systems
Prof.Phan Cong Vinh at Nguyen Tat Thanh University in Vietnam will give a talk at ICCASA 2015 on a hot topic of autonomic computing with the title of "Concurrency of Self-* in Autonomic Systems"
Short bio:
Phan Cong Vinh received a PhD in computer science from London South Bank University (LSBU) in the United Kingdom. He finished his PhD dissertation with the title of “Formal Aspects of Dynamic Reconfigurability in Reconfigurable Computing Systems” at LSBU where he was affiliated with the Center for Applied Formal Methods (CAFM) at the Institute for Computing Research (ICR). At present, he is an Associate Professor of Nguyen Tat Thanh University (NTTU) to take on the responsibility of a senior research scientist. He has been author or co-author of many refereed contributions published in prestigious journals, conference proceedings or edited books. He is editor of two books titled, “Autonomic Networking-on-Chip: Bio-Inspired Specification, Development and Verification” (CRC Press, 2012) and “Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development and Verification” (IGI Global, 2011). He has served on many conference program committees and has been general or technical (co)chair and (co)organizer of several international conferences such as a series of ICCASA and ICTCC. His research interests center on all aspects of formal methods, nature of computation and communication, and applied categorical structures in computer science.